전체 글 385

967. Is There Hope for Me? (Ps. 16:8~11)

Is There Hope for Me? (Ps. 16:8~11) 나에게 희망이 있는가? (시 16:8-11) There are two types of people in this world. There are those who live with despair in their hearts, and there are those who live by embracing brilliant hopes. If we move forward by earnestly praying with dreams and hopes in our hearts no matter how difficult and painful our reality may be, we can live a healthy and happy life. 이 세상에는 두..

968. A Conversation (Jas. 3:2~12)

A Conversation (Jas. 3:2~12) 대화 (약 3:2-12) All people learn to speak when they are young and have conversations with their parents, friends, and neighbors. Spoken words are not only used for having conversations. We can change our circumstances with our spoken words. Spoken words have creative power that determines our life. 모든 사람들이 어릴 때부터 말을 배워서 부모와 친구 그리고 이웃들과 대화를 합니다. 그런데 말은 서로 대화하기 위해서만 사용되는..

969. The Law of the Spirit of Life (Rom. 8:1~9)

The Law of the Spirit of Life (Rom. 8:1~9) 생명의 성령의 법 (롬 8:1-9) The Bible says that there are the law of sin and death and the law of the Spirit of life. (Rom. 8:2) Since Adam, all people are living by being tied to the law of sin and death. People who are tied to the law of sin and death are living a painful life by carrying the burdens called sins, transgressions, diseases, poverty, and death. ..