분류 전체보기 385

951. The Holy Spirit, the Counselor (Jn. 16:7~15)

The Holy Spirit, the Counselor (Jn. 16:7~15) 보혜사 성령 (요 16:7-15) Among the leaders of the Jews, there was a person named Nicodemus who was a Pharisee. He came to see Jesus at night. Jesus told Nicodemus, “No one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit.” Anyone who believes in Jesus and accepts him as the Savior can be born of the Spirit and the Holy Spirit will be i..

952. Let’s Take off the Weary and Heavy Burden (Lk. 4:18~21)

Let’s Take off the Weary and Heavy Burden 수고하고 무거운 짐을 벗어 버리라 (Lk. 4:18~21) Since birth, human beings live by carrying laborious and heavy burdens during their lifetime. There may be differences in the size of the burdens, but there is no one who does not have the burdens of life. This is the fate that the descendants of the first Adam need to carry. In order to save humanity from suffering that ..

953. The Holy Spirit like the Wind (Jn. 3:1~13)

The Holy Spirit like the Wind (Jn. 3:1~13) 바람 같은 성령 (요 3:1-13) Genesis 1:2 says, “Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.” When the Holy Spirit who is the Spirit of God hovered, the third dimensional material world that is formless and empty and filled with darkness was changed into a good place in God’s..

954. Dream, Believe, Speak Creatively, Be Thankful and Wait (Gen. 13:14~18)

Dream, Believe, Speak Creatively, Be Thankful and Wait (Gen. 13:14~18) 꿈꾸고 믿고 창조적 말을 하고 감사하고 기다리라 Today, countless people are struggling with the hardship of sufferings. There is no one without sufferings in this world. People cannot escape from the shackle of sufferings no matter how hard they try because thorns and thistles are filled everywhere since Adam and Eve rebelled against God. 오늘날 많은 ..

955. The Gift of Speaking (Ps. 8:1~9)

The Gift of Speaking (Ps. 8:1~9) 말하는 은사 (시 8:1-9) Human beings are able to speak because they were created in God’s image and likeness. There are no animals that can speak like man. Only human beings are able to speak. There is amazing power in spoken words. The works of creation are revealed and changes come in life through spoken words. 인간은 하나님의 형상과 모양대로 지음을 받았기 때문에 말을 할 수 있습니다. 어떤 동물도 인간처럼 말을..