분류 전체보기 385

966. Peace of Mind and Creative Prayer (Php. 4:6~7)

Peace of Mind and Creative Prayer (Php. 4:6~7) 마음의 평화와 창조적 기도 (빌 4:6-7) If peace is not filled in our hearts, the power of the Holy Spirit cannot manifest. However, if peace is filled in our hearts, the miracles of creation where the things that we hope for in our hearts take place. If we repent of our sins, obey the will of God and commit every problem to the Lord, peace will come into our hear..

967. Is There Hope for Me? (Ps. 16:8~11)

Is There Hope for Me? (Ps. 16:8~11) 나에게 희망이 있는가? (시 16:8-11) There are two types of people in this world. There are those who live with despair in their hearts, and there are those who live by embracing brilliant hopes. If we move forward by earnestly praying with dreams and hopes in our hearts no matter how difficult and painful our reality may be, we can live a healthy and happy life. 이 세상에는 두..

968. A Conversation (Jas. 3:2~12)

A Conversation (Jas. 3:2~12) 대화 (약 3:2-12) All people learn to speak when they are young and have conversations with their parents, friends, and neighbors. Spoken words are not only used for having conversations. We can change our circumstances with our spoken words. Spoken words have creative power that determines our life. 모든 사람들이 어릴 때부터 말을 배워서 부모와 친구 그리고 이웃들과 대화를 합니다. 그런데 말은 서로 대화하기 위해서만 사용되는..

969. The Law of the Spirit of Life (Rom. 8:1~9)

The Law of the Spirit of Life (Rom. 8:1~9) 생명의 성령의 법 (롬 8:1-9) The Bible says that there are the law of sin and death and the law of the Spirit of life. (Rom. 8:2) Since Adam, all people are living by being tied to the law of sin and death. People who are tied to the law of sin and death are living a painful life by carrying the burdens called sins, transgressions, diseases, poverty, and death. ..

970. The Spirit of the Lord Is on Me (Lk. 4:16~21)

The Spirit of the Lord Is on Me (Lk. 4:16~21) 주의 성령이 내게 임하셨으니 (눅 4:16-21) Those who believe in Jesus for the first time say that it is difficult to understand about the triune God. They also say, “How can the thoughts of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit of God be the same?” But because God is triune, He works with the same thoughts in all things. 처음 예수님을 믿은 사람들은 삼위일체 하나님에 대하여 이해하기가 어렵다고 ..

971. If You Believed, You Would See the Glory of God (John 11:40)

If You Believed, You Would See the Glory of God (John 11:40) 네가 믿으면 하나님의 영광을 보리라 The Christian faith is an experience. After accepting Jesus Christ as our Savior, our faith becomes stronger by experiencing various works that Jesus performs in our life. Jesus said, “If you believed, you would see the glory of God.” If we move forward with faith, the Lord will heal the sick and bring life to the d..